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Construction: a career choice to take you where you want


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In this webinar, our speakers who are three CIOB members who entered the industry as school-leavers, tell us about their successful careers in construction. They share their experiences, what they’ve learnt and their tips on how to climb the construction career ladder.


  • Mike Foy FCIOB who started in the industry as an apprentice before becoming a trainee surveyor and is currently a Regional Head at the Department for Education as well as the 2020/2021 CIOB President
  • Mike Smith FCIOB who started in the industry on site and within six years had set up his own construction company which is still thriving almost 40 years later
  • Graham Tuthill MCIOB who had no formal qualifications before becoming Chartered, but is a Project Manager at Baxall Construction and was a finalist in the Construction Manager of the Year Awards

CIOB Director of Education and Standards Ros Thorpe also gives a quick overview of some of the qualifications you can take once you’ve entered the industry in order to progress.

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